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Spring Clean your Body: The Benefits of a Detox Program

Writer's picture: Karen Davis, MS, LDN, CNS®Karen Davis, MS, LDN, CNS®

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Types of Detoxes

The word “detox” has become so trendy (it’s as if it’s replaced the word “diet”!). There are many different kinds of detox programs out there, so how do you know which is right for you? From full-on fasts to juice cleanses to seasonal detoxes and whole foods detoxes, they all have specific benefits.

I offer a sugar detox program called The RESTART® program. It's a 5-week program with a 21-day detox built right in. Essentially, it's a whole food style detox.  

What makes our detox different is we have weekly classes to discuss various educational topics like how digestion is supposed to work.  You will receive recipes and support in our private Facebook group. Classes are offered online and in person. With our RESTART® program, the focus is on eliminating sugar and processed carbs, which means you’ll feel lighter, brighter, and ready to conquer the world if you move through the program in the spirit of healing your body.

Length of a Detox

While the length of a detox can range from 1 or 2 days to 2 weeks or even a month, our program is designed to last 21-days because we feel this is the optimal timeframe for you to rid your body of the toxins that are slowing you down and robbing you of your vitality. Any shorter and you may not derive the benefits you seek, and any longer and you may have a hard time sticking with it. In our experience, participants achieve the best results by carving out 21-days to cleanse. You can do anything for 21-days!

How to Prep

When you undertake a detox or cleansing protocol, you should plan on giving yourself the time and space to focus on your health. This means you should clear your calendar as much as possible, resist taking on extra responsibilities at work, arrange for extra babysitting, and/or explain to your significant other that their support is vital during this time. 

You’ll also want to fill your pantry and fridge with wholesome whole foods and clear out any sugary, fatty, processed foods that are devoid of nutrients and may tempt you as you move through your detox. You may also want to get a journal to record your progress and any feelings that may come up during your detox. The RESTART® program provides you with a list of allowable foods as well as a food journal to help you track your progress.

What to Expect

It’s common for people to feel WORSE before they feel better during a detox. This is sometimes referred to as a “healing crisis” or a Herxheimer Reaction, and it’s basically an immune system reaction to the toxins that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. The most important thing is to stick out these out, as worsening symptoms do not indicate failure; in fact, it’s just the opposite! It indicates you are on your way to renewed health and vitality.  BENEFITS of The RESTART® program may include:

  • Weight Loss

  • Increased Energy

  • Better and more restful sleep

  • Boosted immune system

  • Mental clarity and improved mood

  • Decreased anxiety

  • Reduced PMS/Menopause symptoms

Click here to learn more about joining us in our next RESTART® program.

Have a question on how the program works, just put it in the comment section below!


Linda P. Oregon, RESTART® Participant

“I didn’t realize how feeling bad had become my “new normal” until I went through the RESTART® program. I feel so much better now and believe I have the tools I need to change my approach to food and healthy eating.”

Author’s content used under license, © Sprouted Content, LLC

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